Affordable Art Fair Hamburg 2017

16 November, 2017

Affordable Art Fair returns for its 6th edition with 80 local, national and international galleries all showcasing a huge array of contemporary art. Art Fair is taking place from 16th of November till 19th of November. Check visit times and do not miss Affordable Art Fair in Hamburg because all the art on show is priced under €7,500, and visitors simply couldn’t resist falling for a new piece as lots of art found its way to new homes. More photos here and more information here!

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Date Time
Thursday 16 November 2017 11:00-18:00
Friday 17 November 2017 11:00-20:00
Saturtday 18 November 2017 11:00-20:00
Sunday 19 November 2017 11:00-18:00


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